If not, why not? This is a FUN, FUN, FUN way to make extra money to help support your family, or your hobby, or just to have pin money to spend on whet YOU want! I have been a demonstrator since October, 1998, and have never regretted a minute of it!
Right now, you can join for 15% off! You can choose the standard starter kit OR the digital kit and you still get 15% off! Add to that the 20% you make off the top of every sale from then on, and you've got great way to make extra money in today's economy. Contact me with questions.
If you ARE a Stampin' Up! Demonstrator already, why not join the Late Night Stampers group for pre-convention events in July:
Plan to attend Stampin Up Convention 2010 with us on July 21-24, 2010
OUR LNS events Start
Monday July 19th and end on Saturday July 24th with Patsy's WOW
event after convention is over.
$180 gives you the "I want it all package"
or you can pick from the events below
Send your payment to istmpnv@aol.com using pay pal
or mail a check to
Sherrill Graff
605 Kendrick Place
Boulder City NV 89005
if you are sending a check e-mail me and let me know so I can hold your spot.
Monday July 19th will be a 8:30 AM stamp camp 8 great projects $90 OPEN
we supply everything except adhesive
Monday Stamp Camp projects are the same on both days
Monday 2 PM shoe box swap $35 OPEN
please bring a project to share with 6 people and a finished project to enter into the contest
Monday Night 7 PM WOWevent by Tami $10 OPEN
bring your camera and a note pad
the WOW demonstrations are different on both days.
all at the Radisson
Tuesday July 20th will be a 8:30 AM stamp camp 8 great projects $90 OPEN
followed by a Tuesday 2 PM shoe box swap $35 OPEN
please bring a project to share with 6 people and a finished project to enter into the contest
then the Tuesday Night 7 PMReunion party 3 fun projects $35 OPEN
we supply everything except adhesive all at the Radisson
Wednesday July 21 Anything New Swap 75+1 at the Radisson behind Convention on sign in day
Wednesday Sign In Day 2pm-4pm Shoe Box Swap Hosted by Mary and Brenda $35 OPEN
please bring a project to share with 6 people and a finished project to enter into the contest
at the Radisson
then a Saturday July 24th 6 PM WOWevent by Patsy $10 OPEN
bring your camera and a note pad
at the Radisson
the WOW demonstrations are different on both days.
All events have prizes and give-a-ways.